Our Vision
Oakland Unified School District’s Asian Pacific Islander Student Achievement (APISA) programs lift up the diverse API populations in Oakland for every student to thrive, achieve and succeed in OUSD.
- The APISA Network: Builds a strong network of staff, families, youth leaders, and community groups throughout Oakland supporting all API students to achieve and thrive.
- Ensures that OUSD’s systems, infrastructure, and school content are serving and reflecting the diversity of our over 45 Asian and Pacific Islander populations to better serve them.
- Lifts up API voices and histories to inform and create safe, supportive, and inclusive community schools where all students experience belonging and empowerment to achieve.

Celebrating Diversity & History
There are over 6,000 Asian Pacific Islander students in OUSD schools, with over 45 ethnicities and languages spanning the Asian and Pacific Island diasporas represented in Oakland schools, and we celebrate our unique histories and celebrate our diversity while uniting and coming together in our common experiences, values, needs to advocate for better policies, services, and institutions that reflect and serve our youth and families.
Based on disproportionate data and student voice, our programs focus on:
- Targeted literacy for Middle Eastern and Pacific Islander students who have some of the lowest rates of literacy in the district
- Intensive supports and celebrating achievement for our most struggling API students
- College and career pathway support to help students transition
- Increasing classroom curriculum about our diverse API communities in the United States and globally
- Opportunities for student leadership, empowerment, wellness and healing
- Professional development for school staff to learn more about how to better serve our API students
Please contact lailan.huen@ousd.org to learn more or with any questions!