Common Core Teacher Leaders Program
Since the 2016-17 school year, Salesforce has bolstered OUSD’s efforts to build teacher capacity, collaboration, and leadership among its middle schools by supporting the Common Core Teacher Leaders (CCTL) program. Grant support has funded four full-time math coaches to lead math teachers and provide direct instruction to students at Frick United Academy of Language, United For Success Academy, West Oakland Middle School, and Westlake Middle School.
District Wide Math Collaboratives
In addition to supporting the teachers and students at these four schools, CCTLs lead monthly district-wide math collaboratives which bring together math teachers from all OUSD middle schools to provide instructional support, facilitate collaboration, and deepen educator content and pedagogical knowledge. The aim of their work is to increase educator capacity, encourage teacher retention, and ultimately improve student outcomes.
Blueprint Math Fellows Program
In addition to supporting the CCTL program, Salesforce’s investment allows the Blueprint Math Fellows Program to provide its high-dosage tutoring program to eight Oakland middle schools, reaching over 600 students. The program puts Blueprint Math Fellows into classrooms of just three to four students to provide direct, individualized instruction to purposefully address gaps in foundational math knowledge and builds students’ ability to problem solve and think critically.