You Dream It, We’ll Help You Do It
Apply for an A to Z mini-grant and you could receive up to $1500 for a general school/classroom project, or up to $1500 (individual) or $5000 (group) for professional development.
We know you’re busy, so the application is easy to complete and you’ll have access to your funds immediately once approved.
Looking for some inspiration? Check out the list of Spring 2024 grantees’ projects.
How to Apply
Applications for Spring 2025 are now closed. We will reopen applications in Fall 2025.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook at @oaklandedfund, and Twitter and LinkedIn at Oakland Public Education Fund for updates.

Application Process & Details
Anyone working at an Oakland public school or program (OUSD or charter-managed) is eligible to apply: teachers, principals, Community School Managers, afterschool providers, librarians, anyone!
Projects that require additional fundraising (in addition to the A to Z mini-grant) are ineligible to receive a mini-grant. Your project must be otherwise fully funded.
For spring grants, projects must be completed by June 30, 2025.
For General Application Grants: proposals must request no more than $1,500.00.
Funds may be used for STEM, art, music, and other educational projects, including the cost of project supplies, books, equipment, guest speakers or visiting artists, admission fees, transportation costs (not including gas reimbursement), accommodations, and other materials required to complete the project.
For Professional Development Grants: proposals must adhere to the following limits:
Professional development for one person: up to $1,500
Professional development for a group of two or more people: up to $5,000
Funds may be used for conference fees, required conference materials, meal reimbursement, transportation costs (not including gas reimbursement), accommodations, hiring consultants or other professionals to provide trainings, and other materials required to complete the project.
Please note: funds may not be used to pay teachers or substitutes, for gift cards, general supplies unrelated to your project, or high end or personal use technology.
You may submit more than one application, but only one application can be awarded in a single grant cycle. If you are awarded a mini-grant, you will be ineligible to receive another mini-grant in the grant cycle immediately following. You will be eligible to receive another award again in the second grant cycle after being awarded a mini-grant. We will award no more than five grants per school per grant cycle.
Your school’s principal must approve of your mini-grant project and acceptance of A to Z funding.
For additional guidance, view our tips on submitting a strong proposal and examples of awarded applications and our scoring rubric.
Spring 2025 applications are due by 11:59pm Sunday, January 19, 2025. Decisions will be communicated via email the week of February 18, 2025. If your application is approved, funding will be immediately available.